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Start The Party: Heaven.Revelation 21, 22:1-5


July 28, 2024

K-3rd Grade

4th-5th Grade

Story Focus: We wrap up the month with the biggest celebration ever in Revelation 21, 22:1-5. John received visions from God about all the things that would one day come, some of which was easier to understand than others. However, John did write that one day there will be no more pain and sadness, and that God will live with us forever.

Bottom Line: Celebrate what God will do. When you look at life through current situations, it may be harder to find joy and celebrate, especially if you don’t see a way out. Whenever we focus on the things that God has already done for us however, it can help us remember all that God can do and will do in our lives. Now that’s something to celebrate!

Key Question: What’s the best party you can imagine? Think back to the first time you got a good grade on a project you had been working on for months or getting your first car or even turning the next big significant age. Each of those times probably felt really good, maybe even better than the last! Yet even then, this question allows preteens to begin to think about Heaven and how much more amazing it will be.

Memory Verse: “ Always be joyful because you belong to the Lord. I will say it again, be joyful." Philippians 4:4 NIRV.

Joy: Choosing to celebrate what God is doing.

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