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Start The Party: Shepherds and Angels. Luke 2:8-20.


July 7, 2024

K-3rd Grade

4th-5th Grade

Story Focus: We start the month in Luke 2:8-20. While shepherds were watching over their flock, an angel suddenly appeared, bringing great news: Jesus was born! The shepherds rushed off to see Him, telling everyone about Him afterward. Everyone who heard the news was amazed and filled with joy!

Bottom Line: Jesus brings joy to the world. We kick off the month with a Christmas party! Christmas may feel like the most natural time of year to celebrate the birth of Jesus, but we can celebrate Jesus any time of the year! Jesus was a gift that brought joy to everyone who heard the news and can still bring us joy even today.

Key Question: Who do you know who could use some joy? When you think of summer, maybe you think of ice cream, pool parties, sunshine, and friendships, and it leaves you feeling joyful inside. However, not everyone may feel this way. As preteens think through this question, we hope it gives them a baseline to have meaningful conversations with one another and share the joy that they have.

Memory Verse: “ Always be joyful because you belong to the Lord. I will say it again, be joyful." Philippians 4:4 NIRV.

Joy: Choosing to celebrate what God is doing.

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