February 12, 2024
Key Verse:
“For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;”
Ephesians 2:8 NASB
Think about your earliest memory of receiving a gift from someone. Maybe it was a birthday present from your parents or a Christmas gift from your sister. How did you feel ripping open the wrapping paper or pulling out the tissue? Nervous? Excited? Maybe both? You were probably very grateful and thankful to the gift-giver. Regardless of how you felt back then, there is something special about opening a gift…the anticipation of what it could be and how what was once hidden is now revealed.
Ephesians 2:8 talks about the fact that our salvation is truly a gift and something that we cannot do anything to deserve. Just like you did nothing to deserve a birthday present, we do not add anything to our salvation. It is only by God’s grace through faith in His Son Jesus Christ that we are saved. When Jesus died on the cross, that was enough. Salvation from God is a gift that we cannot do anything to earn. You have reason to celebrate!
Maybe you have a hard time believing in salvation by faith alone because it seems too good to be true. But that’s how good God is! As you finish today’s reading, may your heart and mind be so overwhelmed with gratitude to God that you cannot help but thank Him and praise Him for all that He has done for you. The gift of His salvation is the best gift you could ever receive!
Heart Prompts
What are some things that people try to do to earn God’s favor/love?
How should the reality of God’s gift of salvation change the way you live today?
Who in your life needs to hear about this amazing gift of salvation from God? How can you share it with them?
Dear God, thank you for sending Jesus to die on the cross so that I could have the free gift of eternal life. Please help me to live in the security of your love instead of trying to earn it. Give me a grateful heart and help me to share your hope with others that you put in my path. In Jesus’ name, Amen.