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Think Tank: Jesus’ Baptism, John 1:19-42, John 3:22-36

January 15, 2023

K-3rd Grade

Download the weekly K-3rd Grade Parent Guide PDF:

4th-5th Grade

Download the weekly 4th-5th Grade Parent Guide PDF:

Story Focus: In week 3, we find Jesus at the Jordan River (John 1:19- 42 and John 3:22-36). Jesus’ cousin, John the Baptist, was out by the Jordan River baptizing people and preparing the way for the Promised Savior. When Jesus came for John to baptize Him, John initially refused, but this was God’s plan. John knew that Jesus was God’s Son sent to rescue the world. John even told his own disciples to leave him and follow Jesus.

Bottom Line: When you discover something new, it can change you. God created us with the desire to learn more about the world around us. When we learn something new, that new information has the potential to impact how we see ourselves, the world, or even God. We pray that kids will keep tapping into their God-given capacity to learn more and keep growing in truth.

Key Question: When have you discovered something new? When it comes to knowledge, the possibilities are endless. This can be overwhelming, but it can also be exciting. We can always discover something new. We want our preteens to start their Small Group time discussing what they’ve found out and how it changed their perspective. We pray that as they discover more about Jesus, they can become the people God wants them to be.



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