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Live Bright: Jesus Feeds 5,000. John 6:1-13.

September 8, 2024

1st-3rd Grade

4th-5th Grade

Story Focus: In week 2, we read about a massive miracle found in John 6:1-13. Jesus had just crossed over the Sea of Galilee with His disciples when a massive crowd arrived. Jesus knew that the people would be hungry . . . and instead of sending them on their way, He had compassion on them and fed them. With a little boy’s small meal of only five loaves and two fish, Jesus turned a small amount of food into a huge blessing.

Bottom Line:  Use what you have to help others. Some light is better than no light. Whether it’s a flashlight lighting up what’s in front of you or a spotlight illuminating the whole stage, each light impacts those who need it. God has given each of us something we can offer to help someone else—whether we have a lot or only a little. Any amount of light can make a difference in someone’s life.

Key Question: What do you have that you can use to help others? When you think of light, do you typically think about the brightest light in the sky, or the little light emitting from your phone? When you’re in the dark, either one could come in handy and help get you where you need to go. This question is a great way to engage preteens in moving from seeing light to being a light, making a difference right now with what they have.

Memory Verse: “Let your light shine so others can see it. Then they will see the

good things you do. and they will bring glory to your father who

is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16, NIrV

Wisdom: Caring enough to do something about someone else’s needs

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