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Live Bright: You Are the Light of the World.Matthew 5:14-16.

September 1, 2024

K-3rd Grade

4th-5th Grade

Story Focus: We start the month in Matthew 5:14-16 with the Sermon on the Mount. In this passage, Jesus announced to the crowd, “You are the light of the world.” Each of us can shine God’s light to the world around us. When we shine our light by living God’s way, we bring glory to God and show people what God is like.

Bottom Line: You can shine God’s light. God didn’t give us light so that it could be hidden. God gave us light so that we could shine brightly . . . and so that the world could see Who God is. When we look around and identify those who could use some light in their lives—and then do something about it—we reflect God’s light.

Key Question: How can you be a light? There are so many different types of light—from the sun, to a flashlight, to a candle, and so many more! Each kind of source functions in a different way, but its purpose is the same: to bring light into someone’s world. We hope this question gives preteens a chance to hold great conversations about what it means to shine God’s light—not just at home, but everywhere they go.

Memory Verse: “Let your light shine so others can see it. Then they will see the

good things you do. and they will bring glory to your father who

is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16, NIrV

Wisdom: Caring enough to do something about someone else’s needs



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