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Connected: Live in Peace with Everyone. Romans 12:18

March 03, 2024

K-3rd Grade

4th-5th Grade

Story Focus: In week one, we look at something Paul wrote in Romans 12:18: “If possible, live in peace with everyone. Do that as much as you can.” This is a big challenge! Do as much as you can to live in peace . . . with everyone! Paul was stressing how important it is for us to do everything in our power to fix what is broken—and make connections with the people around us. After all, this is what God did for us through Jesus.

Bottom Line: Make peace whenever you can. When God made peace with us through Jesus, God showed us that peace with others is possible. This doesn’t mean that it will be easy, but living in peace with others is worth our best effort. We pray that kids will discover how they can show God’s love by the way they make peace with the people in their lives.

Key Question: Why is it important to make peace? Preteens are just becoming aware of the complexities of getting along with others. They may wonder if the work it takes to make peace with their friends, classmates, or teammates is worth it. We hope that talking through the importance of peace will be a great start in helping them see how they can choose peace in their relationships with others.

Memory Verse: “If possible, live in peace with everyone. Do that as much as you can." Romans 12:18, NIR

Peace: Proving you care more about each other than winning an argument.

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