Sports and Recreation Ministry

The Bear Creek Church's Sports and Recreation Ministry's first priority is to teach about Jesus Christ. We also strive to teach the fundamentals of our sports. We hope that everyone touched by our ministry has fun, develops friendships, learns skills and sportsmanship but more importantly, experiences the love of Jesus Christ. We want to make an impact in our community in everything we do!
What is it all about?

Our sports and recreation programs are administered by Balance Sports and include activities for all age groups: Children, Middle School, High School, and Adults.

Our Annual Schedule in a glance:
December - February
Balance Sports Elevate Men’s basketball
Balance Sports Volleyball (elementary, middle and high school)
February - May
Balance Sports Elementary Soccer
(adding middle school soon!) -
Balance Elite Basketball (middle - high school)
March - May
Balance Sports Elevate Men’s Softball
Balance Sports Volleyball Camp (elementary - high school)
Balance Sports Soccer Camp (elementary - high school)
June - August
Balance Sports Elevate Co-Ed Whiffle Ball League
Balance Sports Elevate Co-Ed Volleyball Open Play
Balance Sports Basketball Camp (elementary - high school)
Adventure Week Explorer Camp skills camp (elementary - high school)
August - November
Balance Sports Elementary Basketball
Balance Sports Elevate Men’s Softball
Throughout the year
Balance Sports Elevate Co-Ed Adult Volleyball
Taekwon-Do Classes
Kickboxing Classes
Kalimera Fitness Classes
Flag Football (elementary, middle school)
Sand Volleyball
3 on 3 Basketball tournaments
Open play Pickle Ball