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Dive Deep: Speck and Plank. Matthew 7:1-5.

August 11, 2024

K-3rd Grade

4th-5th Grade

Story Focus: In week 2, we head to Matthew 7:1-5, which is part of one of Jesus’ most famous recorded messages, the Sermon on the Mount. Throughout this sermon, Jesus touched on many important lessons. One of these truths was that we shouldn’t judge other people. When we judge others without first looking at ourselves, we miss out on the work God is doing in us to shape us and help us grow.

Bottom Line: When you see yourself clearly, you can make the wise choice. It’s easy to see something that others have done to wrong you. But when we wrong someone else? That’s not always easy to see. It’s important that we take the time to examine ourselves so we can love others the way God wants us to . . . and so we can continue growing in wisdom.

Key Question: What are you learning about yourself? Preteens are living through a time of change. Maybe they’ve just picked up a new skill and they really love it, but they still have some improving to do. Or maybe they’ve noticed that their taste in foods has started to shift. Everyone is always learning something at some point in their life. We hope this question allows kids to begin to see how they can offer grace to others as they learn and grow with one another.

Memory Verse: “ If any of you need wisdom, you should ask God for it. He will give it to you. God gives freely to everyone and doesn't find fault." James 1:5 NIRV.

Wisdom: Finding out what you should do and doing it.



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