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Special Delivery: Widow of Zarephath. 1 Kings 17:7-16.


November 10, 2024

1st-3rd Grade

4th-5th Grade

Story Focus: In week 2, we read about a miracle found in 1 Kings 17:7- 16. During a time of drought, the prophet Elijah visited a widow in Zarephath. This woman barely had anything left for her family, let alone for him. Yet, she trusted God and gave everything she had to Elijah . . . and God provided for them above and beyond what they expected.

Bottom Line: You always have something to give. Can you think of a time when someone gave something to you or shared it with you, even when they didn’t have much to give? Just the fact that they thought of you made their gift so much more meaningful. When we trust God with what we have, God is able to do more than we can think or imagine.

Key Question: What do you have to give? Sometimes we may not think we have much to give. But have you heard the phrase “a little goes a long way”? Whether we have an abundance of something or only a little, we all have something we can give: time, gifts, or even knowledge. We hope this question helps preteens to discover unique ways they can help others with what they have.

Memory Verse: “Every good and perfect gift is from God.” James 1:17A, NIrV

Generosity: Making someone's day by giving something away.

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