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First Devotional, Day 18: A Cheerful Giver

February 28, 2024

DAY 18

Key Verse:

“Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion for God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9:6-7 NASB

The Lord calls us to give of our resources He has provided to us for the work of the gospel. In Paul’s day this meant giving to those who were being persecuted in Jerusalem. In our day it can mean many ways of giving. One way scripture always talks about generously giving is within the local body of believers. We are called to faithfulness in giving from our financial resources for two reasons. First, it will increase our faith in God. Second, it reminds us of God’s generosity toward us.


The increase of our faith in God comes from the trust we must exhibit when we give a significant portion of our financial resources to God. We turn over our livelihoods to God and release control of the feeling of security that comes from having more money in our bank accounts. However, when we do this God reminds us all the more that He is the one who provides all things.


God’s generosity toward us is most clearly exhibited in the truth of the gospel, in which Jesus Christ was sent by God to give up His life to pay the penalty of our sin. He gave more than we could ever give and for that we owe our lives to Him. This passage says that the one who gives much will receive much, but this is to be understood as receiving much in the kingdom of God. When we give cheerfully what God has laid on our hearts to give, we join in with God’s will and see the grace of God abound through our ministry and through our lives.

Heart Prompts

  1. Why do we give of our financial resources to the Lord?

  2. What does it look like to give cheerfully?

  3. What is God laying on your heart to give?


Father, lead me to view you as the provider of all my resources and increase my faith in you as I commit to give for the sake of the gospel. Make my whole life to be about growing your kingdom and serving you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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