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Community Garden: Crucified and Risen, John 18:12-20:23

April 9, 2023

K-3rd Grade

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4th-5th Grade

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Story Focus: For week 2, we celebrate Easter by taking a closer look at John 18:12-20:23. The religious leaders were up in arms because Jesus had claimed to be God. It didn’t matter that this was TRUE; the leaders were still ready to dish out the ultimate punishment. And Jesus chose to humble Himself, give up everything, and go to the cross. Then, God raised Jesus back to life! We’ll see how Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection make it possible for us to have a forever relationship with God.

Bottom Line: Celebrate because Jesus is alive. This is what Easter is all about. Jesus put us first. He gave up everything He deserved in order to rescue us from the consequences of sin. Jesus conquered death and is alive! We hope that kids leave with a clearer understanding of how much God loves us and wants to have a relationship with us through Jesus.

Key Question: How do you celebrate Easter? Easter is more than chocolate bunnies and egg hunts, but some kids are just starting to realize this for themselves. We hope this question sparks some great discussion in Small Group about why Easter is so important to our faith. We pray that kids will get the chance to really celebrate Jesus and grow in their relationship with Him.

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