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Jesus First and Only, Part 1: Thirsty | Pastor David Welch

Thirsty for More: The Invitation to Drink from Jesus – John 7:37-39

In a world full of distractions, many of us remain thirsty for something deeper. Jesus offers an invitation: “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink” (John 7:37). This call addresses the deepest thirst in our souls—something only He can satisfy.

1. Thirsting for What?

Jesus isn’t talking about physical thirst but the deep longing in our hearts. People often try to fill this void with money, fame, success, or pleasure, but they only end up more empty. As C.S. Lewis said, “God designed the human machine to run on Himself.” Without Him, we remain spiritually thirsty.

Example: Celebrities like Kurt Cobain and Marilyn Monroe had wealth and fame but still died searching for fulfillment. They were thirsty for something only Jesus could give.

2. How to Quench the Thirst

To satisfy this thirst, Jesus says, “Come to Me and drink” (John 7:37). “He who believes in Me…” (John 7:38). True belief means more than acknowledging Jesus—it’s about fully surrendering your life to Him, trusting Him with your desires, your choices, and your heart.

Application: True belief means making Christ the center of everything, not just part of your life.

3. The Power of the Holy Spirit

When we drink from Jesus, rivers of living water flow from within us (John 7:38). This is the Holy Spirit, who revives, cleanses, and empowers us. He transforms our hearts, gives us conviction, and makes us more like Jesus.

Illustration: During the 1970s Jesus Movement, God’s Spirit transformed whole communities—not through strange acts, but through people surrendering their lives to Him.

4. What This Means for Us

Jesus calls us to keep coming to Him, not just once, but continually. When we stay connected to Him, His life flows through us, transforming us and impacting those around us.

Reflection: Are you thirsty for more than the world offers? Will you come to Jesus and drink deeply from His presence?

Reflection Questions:

  1. In what areas of your life are you seeking satisfaction from something other than Jesus?

  2. How can you surrender more fully to Him today?

  3. What would it look like for you to live in constant connection with the Holy Spirit?


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